Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Mahalakshmi appear where Lord Shiva giving darshan with Nagabaranam or garlanded with snakes. The five-headed snake forming a canopy over Shivalinga is representation five Auspiciousness. When you see Lord Shiva with Nagabaranam, Mahalakshmi will bless the devotee with 5 blessings 1. Removal of fear, 2. All Dhosha, 3. Connecting the prayer from devotee to Lord Shia, 4. Happiness and Prosperity and 5. Shiva kadaksham. Anyone can see the Lord with Nagabaranam, but offering the same and seeing on the same day is nothing but seeing Lord Shiva in Kailash. Another significance is that the snake on neck represents ego which once controlled can be worn as an ornament. Serpent on Shiva’s neck represent the endless cycle of birth and regeneration. Snakes serve Lord Shiva as necklace, armlets and appear in his clothes. You all have seen three coils of Nagabaranam we offered to the Lord. The three coils are Past, Present and Future. When there was a danger for the snakes Vasuki and Adhisesha, Lord Shiva protected them and gave shelter in Kailasa. The snake Vasuki offered Nagamani a very powerful diamond to lord Shiva for protecting them.

Whoever be in past, whatever evil deeds one had done earlier, whatever bad character was his or her past life, if they offer Nagabarana, all their sins will be removed. Secondly Nandhishwara connecting the human body and Cosmos. There are billions of stars in the sky, like the human body has trillion cells. Just as the cosmic rays flow from the skies, the human brain translates the divine energies to the entire body.

One will get Mahalakshmi’s blessings by chanting Lord Shiva’s ” APARADHA STHOTHRAM ” What is Aparadha Strotram? It is a prayer of seeking forgiveness of Lord Shiva. Hey Bhagawan Due to my previous jenma’s of Karmic sins, i am suffering now. from my mother’s womb i was giving giving trouble to my mother. When i grown up knowingly or unknowlingly i would have troubled anyone. Its a sin. Please forgivve me and remove all my sins, Oh Mahadeva.


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